Module Development: Spectrum Analyzer

We Need Your Input for a New Spectrum Analyzer Module!

We’re excited to announce that we’re developing a dedicated Module for Spectrum Analyzers! Previously, Spectrum Analyzers were implemented using instances of the Basic Logger Module. However, this new dedicated module will enable us to introduce device-specific features, enhanced GUI elements, and tailored inputs to make working with Spectrum Analyzers more intuitive and efficient.

To create a truly user-friendly module, we’d love to hear from you!

Here’s what we’d like your feedback on:

  1. Standard Input Parameters
    What input parameters do you think every Spectrum Analyzer should have? (e.g., Center frequency, Span, Resolution bandwidth, etc.)
  2. Handy Functions
    Are there specific functions or tools you would find useful in the module? (e.g., peak detection, averaging, etc.)
  3. Key Output Values
    Which output values are the most relevant for your applications? (e.g., power level, frequency peaks, signal-to-noise ratio, etc.)
  4. Device Integration
    Are there specific Spectrum Analyzer models or brands you’d like to see integrated as drivers in the module?

Let us know your ideas and suggestions below. We’re excited to hear your thoughts!

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So far, we got feedback to include

  • Reference Level
  • Center Frequency
  • Frequency span
  • Resolution Bandwidth
  • Video Bandwidth

It could be also interesting to support Start and Stop frequency as another option besides Center frequency and Span.

Further, an interesting option could be the automatic detection of peaks. However, good spectrum analyzers already have a function for that which is why the driver could also return the peak frequencies.

Any further feedback or comments are welcome.

Giving it further thought, the inclusion of two functions would be very welcome:

  • the MAX HOLD function which outputs the maximum value per scanning point during continuous sweeping is of large interest and could be implemented as a simple checkbox
  • the VID AVG (video averaging) is very useful to detect small signals in noise floors

Both functions are used in combination with continuous sweeping mode. Therefore, the choice of sweep mode (single/cont) should be integrated with the addition of a time to be entered for continuous sweeping to be ended and results to be transfered.

Lastly, the choice of couling (AC/DC) could be implemented as this can have an influence of the lower spectral sensivitiy of an analyzer due to blocking filters. On the other side, this can damage the input attenuator if chosen by accident so if we aim to implement drivers without a reset at the initialization, this could be left out.