Lakeshore 321 device class

I am trying to hook up a Lakeshore 321 temperature controller to Sweepme! but I get an error message that the respective COM port does not respond.

First, has anyone a custom Lakeshore 321 device class because the device manager provides only Lakeshore 33x?

Second, the Lakeshore 321 is quite old so I also may have a COM adapter driver problem (on top of the missing device class).

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Hi Anton,

if the Model 321 temperature controller does not work with our SweepMe! driver for the Model 33x series, it can be indeed due to a different set of programming commands.

You can find the programming manual here:

And you can compare with the source code of our SweepMe! driver here:

The Model 321 supports the “*IDN?” query (without quotation marks) which you could add to the driver to check whether a response is received.

If the first command of the 33x driver is not known by the 321 temperature controller, it would also not respond. Sometimes, you can at least see an error on the display of your instrument if a wrong command is used. This would be already a good indication that the command is at least physically transmitted.

If this does not work, it is more likely that the serial communication needs to be configured correctly. Does the instrument use the same baudrate, terminator character like the Model 33x series?

Do you maybe need a special nullmodem cable for the RS-232 connection?

Hope this helps. Let us know if you need further help. We also offer to support you with creating a SweepMe! driver.

Thanks and best,