HP/Agilent/Keysight E3631A Triple-Output Power Supply

I just commited a driver via Github for the HP/Agilent/Keysight E3631A Triple-Output Power Supply.

Based on the E3632A driver but some changes were necessary to adjust to the E3631A command set.

The so-called “TRACK” mode is available as well as a channel selection, synchronizing the +25V and -25V to a common absolute voltage value for e.g. OPA supply. In TRACK mode, the driver is programmed to accept positive voltage values to output this on the +25V terminal and the respective negative equivalent to the -25V terminal.

As usual, some sanity checks including error messages are implemented as well regarding maximum voltage and current limits and polarity of input.

Feel free to use this thread for feedback if any observations or issues arise during its use once it makes it into the device repository.

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Hi Christian, thanks a lot for your contribution.

I will have a look and come back to you.

Thanks and have a nice weekend,

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The contribution is merged and the driver “SMU-Keysight_E3631A” is now available as direct download in SweepMe! for all users.

@Christian Thanks again for your contribution!

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