HP 3457A DMM/Logger driver posted to GitHub

A driver for the HP 3457A, successor to the 3456A, was posted to GitHub. The 3457A DMM/Logger added the support for current measurement. In addition, it has a trick uppon his sleeve: despite being a 6.5 digit DMM, a 7th digit can be retrieved via GPIB. This comes in handy when making averaged readings on a constant value where the native noise gets reduced and the additional digit can be of real use. Therefore, the option was implemented.

The unit was introduced before SCPI so it uses an HP-IB based command set which is kind of in-between what the 3456A uses and what can be seen in newer units based on SCPI.

Happy testing :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello Christian,
thanks for your contribution. The driver is now available for download in our repository and in SweepMe! through the Modules & Devices menu.

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