I am currently implementing a new oscilloscope driver and while it works as expected in aquiring and transmitting the data, I am observing a strange behaviour.
Varying current and voltage is applied via two SMU channels and as the test setup uses the pulse function of the SMU, an oscilloscope is used to observe the circuit response to the applied pulses. Within SweepMe, I can set the option to cycle the line color for each variation of the current by activating the split checkbox in the plotting options for the corresponding SMU channel.
Now the strange thing happens: the cycling of the line color is performed as the scope traces get in for each current step just as expected. But once the measurement ends, all color cycles are removed and the lines are colored in the first color of the cycle, e.g. dark red for the values belonging to the left Y-Axis, dark green for the right. However, if one uses the STOP button of SweepMe to interrupt the measurement, the color cycles remain displayed unimpaired just like during the running measurement.
The values of the driver get handed over to SweepMe the exact same way they do in the Tektronix DPO7000 driver. As I neither have access to this kind of Tek Model nor to the one supported by the installed R&S scope driver, I cannot verify if this effect is present in all measurements using any scope driver or if it is somehow specific to the one I am developing right now.
Any chance someone can test with a scope that is currently already supported?
The scope driver still has some minor bugs like a failing first trace after startup that needs to be fixed before I can release it.
I am working on a second scope driver that has a major issue that I need to solve, so it will probably take a week or more until I can run some tests with it to see if it behaves the same or not.
Best wishes,